What you need to know.

Monday, November 12, 2007

It's looking like 8:30 am.

Day 3

Called the clinic 7 am sharp.

Good news is that they are planning to start the pills, and go right into the IVF protocol. Bad news is that I couldn't go today because the nurse in the other clinic was obviously unaware that all morning monitoring has to be done by 8:30 am. So we will start our monitoring on day 4. This bugs me.

We live about 45 minutes away from the satellite clinic, 75 minutes from the Main Campus Clinic.

I hope gas prices start leveling out or even going down, there will be a lot of driving to do.

I'm nervous, excited but already tired.


I_Sell_Books said...

Hola, welcome to the Island - hope your stay is short.

As for taking the BCP's, you can do a Sunday start, right? Unless you're doing a different protocol...?


lltanderson said...

hi, and welcome to the IF blogsphere. i'm sorry you have to be here, but i'm glad you found us. i found your blog on the lost and found connections page that stirrup queen publishes.

i am also gearing up for an IVF cycle, and i did a CD3 start. i dunno if that helps or hurts.

wishing you the best of luck,

andrea_jennine said...

Welcome to the online IF community. I'm pretty sure I had a day 4 start for one of our IVFs, and it really did not mess up the process at all. Everything was textbook, except for the end result.
Good luck!